The world of academia: culture & education
Мир университетской науки: культура, образование
01/06/08Web site started
01/10/2016 №10
Геворкян Грануш Геворковна
Котова Изабела Борисовна
The article starts with the idea that restaurant business does not belong to traditional objects of psychological researches and that psychological science has started researches in the area only in the recent years. The authors focus attention on the fact that a visit to a restaurant can have a deep psychological meaning, can promote personal and professional growth, revive interest to oneself, stir high ambitions, help to satisfy vanity and trigger new ambitious projects. The changes of the status of a restaurant as an organization of hospitality are caused by the changes in our attitude towards wealth, money, career and power. According to the paper, visiting elite restaurants is an attribute of the high social status of an individual. Psychologists have revealed that restaurant staff is supposed to take special care so that during a visit to their institution personal space of an individual was not interfered as it is an urgent biological and psychological need.Key words
restaurant, psychological space, psychological analysis, act vity, service, hospitality, life-style, standard requirements, status, rela-t ons, wealth, money, career, power.
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