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01/06/2017 №6
Developing background of the historical world view of teenagers in the integrated educational space of a lesson

Куликовская Ирина Эдуардовна
Чилингарова Вера Овидиевна


The paper provides the authors’ interpretation of the concept “historical world view of teenagers” treated as a set of interconnected and systematized ideas about the history of the world and Russia as well as valuable relation to historical and cultural process which underpin formation of civil Russian identity. Development of the historical world view of teenagers is a process of acquiring the main historical concepts and regularities, development of valuable attitude to the history and civil Russian identity which relies on organization of the integrated educational space of a lesson as a pedagogical condition. Integration of arts (music, painting, literature) acts as a means of shaping historical world view of school pupils. Pedagogical conditions which provide development of the historical world view demand taking into account a number of methodological approaches (axiological, integrative, system and activity-based) combination of which provides solution to this problem. Accordin

Key words

historical world view, integraton, educatonal space.


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