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01/06/2017 №6
Adaptability as the key aspect of pedagogical competence

Петрова Марина Владимировна


The article raises the question of pedagogical competence of long-life education. Today the role of the teacher and school is changing, teachers have to not only teach children in classes, they are faced with the problem of integration of pupils with special needs, the use of ICT for effective learning, etc. Therefore, teachers highly need such aspect of competence as adaptability which includes critical and evidence-based approach allowing them to adapt to new needs of school students. In the course of a focus group experiment the author established that adaptability is one of the key aspects of competence of a modern teacher. According to the article, it increases efficiency of his work and meets the modern requirements of inclusive education. The article defines the place of adaptability in the palette of necessary competences of a modern teacher and the efficiency of adaptive approach in educational process.

Key words

adaptability, pedagogical competence, learning efciency.


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