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01/09/2017 №9

Данчук Иван Иванович


The article claims relevance of active methods of training in professional education while training skilled workers, namely welders. As nowadays technical progress in branch of mechanical engineering is closely connected with improvement of welding production, achievements in the field of technology of welding enable to use it everywhere in production of transport, turbines, coppers, bridges, etc. According to the paper, the future application of welding is infinite. The author argues that the issue of training specialists in welding production in accord with the latest requirements of today’s society and labor market is possible only by updating the content of professional education, the process of vocational training of welders, the use of modern production and pedagogical technologies, means and methods of training. The place of active methods of teaching, namely imitating training, in preparation of welders is described in the paper.

Key words

active methods of teaching, imitating methods of training, secondary professional education, welder, imitating exercise machines.


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