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12/11/2017 №12
Calls of the ecosystem and ecological education of preschoolers and primary school pupils

Лагутина Виктория Викторовна
Чумичева Раиса Михайловна


The article is of problem-raising character. It describes global calls of the ecosystem, their influence on development of economy and society in terms of steady development as a way to preserve life and human civilization on the planet Earth. The authors define the strategy of education development as the means to support sustainable development of society, its ideas, aims, tasks, principles and valued grounds at the level of preschool and primary school education. The paper reveals some contradictions which, according to the authors, should be handled for realization of a new type of ecological education for the rising generation within the framework of futurology and biospheric ecological approaches.

Key words

global educaton, calls of the ecosystem, planetary character, sustainable development, noosphere, ecological educaton, nature-saving technologies, ecological experience.


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