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12/11/2017 №12
Children book for nature studies – culyural practice of developing ecoculture in children

Черноиванова Наталия Егоровна


The author believes that developing ecoculture of preschoolers is one of conditions of teaching positive attitude to nature. This task can be effectively solved by means of cultural practices for children, in particular, by perception of literature about nature. According to the paper, shaping ecocultural consciousness of a person begins in preschool childhood. Thanks to books, ontogenesis of the attitude to the world of nature is valuable as in literature values of morals and morality influence development of the world view of a child. Perception of books for nature studies becomes the factor which determines subjective attitude to nature, ecoculture and the culture of eco-friendly attitude to the world.

Key words

cultural practces, classics of children books for nature studies, informatve development, preschoolers.


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