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12/11/2017 №12
Changes in the cardiovascular system of primary school children in sports activities

Землина Екатерина Михайловна


The article covers changes in cardiovascular system of primary school children in doing muscular loads. Ecological situation in the world and influence of the environment in general impacts the state of health of children. In this connection, sickness rate of children of various age groups is increased. Basing on the data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the author gives review to increasing tendencies in a number of various diseases among children under 14: anemia (by 1,3 times), illnesses of endocrine (by 1,5 times) and musculoskeletal systems (by 1,5 times), allergic illnesses (by 1,3 times), illnesses of the blood circulatory system (by 1,3 times), neoplasms (by 1,3 times). Similar pathologies can be traced in development of psychosomatic deviations in response to the blasting impact of negative environmental factors on the growing organism. In this regard, the author claims an urgent need to identify features of cardiovascular system reaction to recovery rate o

Key words

cardiovascular system, sports and recreatonal exercises, improvement of the func-tonal conditon of the body, circulaton, formed blood elements.


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