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12/11/2017 №12
An expert in the sphere of national and religious relations: institutionalization of professional activity and educational preparation

Бедрик Андрей Владимирович
Дьяченко Анжела Николаевна
Сериков Владислав Владиславович


The article deals with the modern process of institutionalization of professional activity and training of specialists in national and religious relations in the system of higher education in Russia. The authors analyze the objective need for the above mentioned experts, the existing conditions of their vocational training as well as employment prospects. The article covers a number of risks connected with the prospect of adaptation of labor market requirements to education system opportunities in this sphere. Finally, the researchers make a number of conclusions. In the Russian society there is a certain need for experts in the sphere of national and religious relations. The existing range of educational preparation doesn’t meet the requirements of the offered professional standard in terms of a set of labor functions, necessary skills and knowledge stated in it. Preparation of bachelors in the given area is seen inexpedient proceeding from objective characteristics of the labor marke

Key words

professional standard, educatonal standard, higher educaton, internatonal rela-tons, religious relatons, interethnic mediaton, natonal policy.


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