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The world of academia: culture & education
Мир университетской науки: культура, образование



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12/05/2018 №5

Антонова Юлия Викторовна


The article provides analysis of the main sociological theories concerning the study into the concepts knowledge (information) and cognition in terms of research of information culture. The author selects the main premises for sociological view on the problem under study, carries out analysis of the traditional and modern paradigms which affecting social nature of information culture. Thus, the phenomenon of information culture is researched through the prism of a social entity of knowledge and empirical methods of its cognition. Knowledge is defined in the article as the product of collective activities of individuals meeting the general social requirements and needs of society and changing alongside with society. The principles of knowledge acquisition are studied in the article from the perspective of empirical methods and technologies aimed at finding and determining collectively significant knowledge. Information culture in this regard is considered as the latent system of control

Key words

information culture, information competence, information flexibility, society, knowledge, cognition.


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