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The world of academia: culture & education
Мир университетской науки: культура, образование



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12/07/2018 №7

Епифанова Наталия Николаевна
Залевский Александр Владимирович


According to the article, the relevance of the problem under study is caused by the fact that in educational space insufficient attention is attached to moral education of the rising generation by means of the discipline “Physical Culture”. The article deals with the health phenomenon which plays an important role in the context of problems of phenomenological aspect of spirituality. The phenomenon of a game and its value in shaping physical, spiritual and moral health of youth is considered in the context of phenomenology of “improving philosophy”. The authors traces the indissoluble interrelation between the spiritual and physical components of a person which supplement each other and are equally necessary for harmonious development of the personality and further self-improvement.

Key words

pedagogics, education, youth, health, culture, game, philosophy, spirituality, morality, physical training, physical culture


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