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The world of academia: culture & education
Мир университетской науки: культура, образование



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07/07/2011 7
Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Culturological Approach Development

Гапонюк Петр Никитович


The article describes theoretical and methodological basis of the culturological approach methodology development. The author reveals the peculiarities of the principle of cultural congruity during the Enlightenment epoch and later, at the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. The content of education is analyzed from the point of view of cultural congruity (S.I. Hessen). The article also considers education to be anthropogenic cultural practice aimed at development of an individual able to perform creative activities, capable of independent thinking, ready to take responsibility for his or her actions and having an active social standpoint and proactive approach to life.

Key words

principle of cultural congruity, theory of free education, cosmic pedagogy, anthropological concept of education, culturally congruous school, culturological approach.



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