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The world of academia: culture & education
Мир университетской науки: культура, образование



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10/10/2013 №10

Непомнящий Анатолий Владимирович


The article is devoted to the issues of interaction between natural sciences and the humanities at the level of methodological background of science. It is shown that in the world and Russian practice of educational systems there are simultaneously two systems of such interaction - trans-disciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches. As for trans-disciplinary approach, the author refers to medieval paradigm of constancy of mass that mismatches reality and creates in person’s mind priority of body above other regulators of the system “person”. It leads to essential simplification of the problem of shadow mass management which is realized in the post modernistic society by means of information technologies and mass media. In its turn, multidisciplinary approach does not allow a person to receive the right education, i.e. the system of integrated images of the world. Knowledge received in the majority of the universities is intended for mass consumption - it is fragmentary and deforms mod

Key words

methodology of science, natural sciences, the humanities, scientific paradigm, axiomatics, trans-disciplinary approach, multidisciplinary.


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