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10/11/2013 №11

Булатбаева Айгуль Абдимажитовна
Кусаинов Аскарбек 
Маханова Перизат Шукирхановна
Таубаева Шаркуль Таубаевна
Шаумен Гулдана Сасенбаевна


Questions of forecasting have been of special relevance for all sciences at all times, as for its development each science should pay attention to future problems. Therefore, modern system of teaching requires prognostic conclusions supported by concrete data. In this connection, the need for didactic forecasting comes to light and interest to the given problem among scientists rises accordingly. In the article, the authors reveal sources of such scientific discipline as prognostics and prove its necessity for pedagogical science. The authors give definitions and distinguish between some overlapping terms: “prognostics”, “Pedagogical prognostics” and “didactic prognostics”. Proceeding from detailed, all-round study of the works devoted to didactic prognostics, its purposes and problems, essence and content. Besides, the article deals with the analysis of the main directions in development of didactics and didactic researches in the Republic of Kazakhstan, theoretical grounds of develop

Key words

forecasting, prognostics, pedagogical prognostics, didactic prognostics, long-term pedagogical planning, future education, research and normative forecasts.


1. Babansky, Yu.K., 1977. Optimization of Teaching Process (general didactic aspect). Moscow: 13. (rus) 2. Nouner, G., 1975. Questions of the Theory of Socialistic General Education. Moscow: 150-151. (rus) 3. Education's Digital Future. URL: http://edf.stan-ford.edu/. 4. Educational Futures. URL: http://www.flinders. edu.au/ehl/educationalfutures/. 5. Griffith Institute for Educational Research. URL: http://www.griffith.edu.au/education/griffith-institute-educational-research. 6. UNESCO Institute for statistics. URL: http://www. uis.unesco.org/Pages/default.aspx. 7. Education for the 21st Century. URL: http:// en.unesco.org/themes/education-21st-century. 8. Gershunsky, B.S. and Ya. Prukha, 1979. Didactic Prognostics. Kiev: 21. (rus) 9. Gershunsky, B.S. and Ya. Prukha. Op. cit.: 22. 10. Prognostics. Terminology. (Collections of recommended terms), 1978, iss. 92. (rus) 11. Prognosis. URL: http://www.businessdictionary. com/de

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