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Мир университетской науки: культура, образование



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10/06/2014 №6

Карасева Татьяна Александровна


The article is devoted to specific aspects of historical education as a part of humanitarian preparation of students-mathematicians. This humanitarian aspect, according to the author, promotes formation of modern innovative, adaptive personality ready for constant changes in information environment and even updating axiological and cognitive approaches to historical events. The author provides grounds for a new approach to lecturing focused on development of students’ systematized historical knowledge during independent out-of-class work with a multimedia textbook. In this way, a teacher ceases to be a transmitter of basic truths, receives freedom of creativity and at lectures gives students new qualitative knowledge which that cannot be received independently. Innovation of the given lecture course consists in the fact that on the basis of knowledge from a multimedia textbook students have an opportunity to comprehend national history at higher level, as the history of development of

Key words

historical education, humanitarian preparation of students-mathematicians, multimedia, basic multimedia textbook.


1. Perekhoda, A.Yu., 2013. Media education of future workers of cinema and TV. News-bulletin of Southern Federal University. Pedagogical Sciences, 5. (rus) 2. Alvarado, M. and O. Boyd-Barrett, 1992. Media Education: An Introduction. London: British Film Institute, Open University Press. 3. Buckingham, D., 1996. Critical pedagogy and media education: A theory in search of a practice. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 28 (6): 627-650. 4. Buckingham, D., 2003. Media Education: Literacy, Learning and Contemporary Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press. 5. Thoman, E. and T. Jolls, 2004. Media literacy -A national priority for a changing world. American Behavioral Scientist, 48 (1): 18-29. 6. Dorr, A., 2001. Media Literacy. In: Smelser, N.J. and P.B. Baltes (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (vol. 14). Oxford: 9494. 7. Kellner, D. and J. Share, 2005. Toward critical media literacy: Core concepts, debates, organizations, and

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