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Мир университетской науки: культура, образование



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10/07/2014 №7

Куликовская Ирина Эдуардовна


The article considers the space of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin which has certain extent, connectivity, relative discontinuity, orientation, national originality, spirituality and ethical aspects. The author proves that fairy tales fill child’s world view with values, signs and symbols which become landmarks in the choice of behavior strategy and way of life. A fairy tale codes an idea, approves certain rules and principles of behavior and has regulatory function. Fairy tales state natural need to create material, moral, ethical and intellectual values, to be reasonable in distributing forces and skilful in the use of life objects. Deep understanding of space value, arisen in preschool childhood owing to fairy tales, further develops, making it possible to build harmonious life both in the present and in the future.

Key words

A.S. Pushkin, space of a fairy tale, development of a child, education, national originality of space, spirituality of space, ethical aspect of space.


Bibliography 1. Propp, V^/а., 1996. Historical roots of a magic fairy tale. St. Petersburg. (rus) 2. Kulikovskaya, I.E. and L.T. Ilyina, 2007. Child in the space and time of a fairy tale. Rostov-on-Don. (rus) 3. Pushkin, A.S., 1949. Collected works: in 10 vols. (Vol. 10). Moscow; Leningrad: 108. (rus) 4. Fairy tales and legends of Pushkin places. Walk-in records, observations and researches by V.I. Chernyshev, 1950. Moscow; Leningrad (rus) 5. Bolsche, W., 1909. Fairy tales about dragons. Collected works (Vol. 3). St. Petersburg: published by Zarya: 87. (rus) 6. Foley, J., 1996. Encyclopedia of signs and symbols. Moscow: published by Veche: AST. (rus) 7. Geography of magic creatures, 2006. Moscow: published by AST: Ost. (rus) 8. Kulikovskaya, I.E., 2013. Theory of Personal World Outlook Evolution: Categories, Provisions, Proofs. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 15 (5): 698-706. 9. Gorky, А.М., 1912. About Russian intellige

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