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Мир университетской науки: культура, образование



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10/12/2014 №12

Лукашеня Зоя Владимировна


The article is concerned with praxeology being the methodological background for research of consulting which is treated as the service provided as a result of intellectual activity. Consumers of the given service are mostly representatives of adult population who are consulting clients. Game modelling which is one of perspective means of stimulation of self-development in educational processes can be used as a consulting tool. As for a consulting adviser, it is seen as a result of collective work, formed in each concrete case from employees of a consulting sphere. It is created as structural division of higher education establishment. The structure of consulting service includes the activity of the employees who have got special preparation. During consulting through game modelling the potential of praxeological approach corresponds with the consulting stages. Efficiency of consulting procedures in praxeological sense is understood as practical success of the stages of game modelling

Key words

praxeology, consulting, game modelling, reflection, practical success of consulting procedures.


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